Atlanta Local Journalism Initiative


 as of 6/30/23


Secure and diverse funding is crucial for the initiative to maintain its independence, protect its autonomy, and facilitate our pursuit of growth and operational excellence. The program operations are very streamlined; funding is judiciously applied to the necessities of what is often a rather complex and multifaceted undertaking. Digital Direct is a not-for-profit initiative; however it is not a nonprofit and is not 501c3 designated. Philanthropic contributions are not tax deductible. Part of our mission is to become a sustainable, at a minimum, revenue neutral entity within 3-5 years.


We do very much welcome contributions for specific episodes or general purposes, such as operational expenses, equipment, talent acquisition, etc. provided that such donations are unencumbered and not meant to influence the program in any manner inconsistent with our stated mission, purposes, policies and priorities.


Please note that we do not have the ability or accept a responsibility to provide financial, technical, legal, tax advice, planning or offer of analysis of any resulting financial advantages to contributors.



Underwriting is a form of in-kind, in that advertising may be inserted into a broadcast and may include branding images, logos or video similar to commercial advertising. It's our recommendation that included video maintain a non-commercial tone in keeping with the template of public broadcasting, our most probable airing partner. The intent is to provide satisfactory recognition for program underwriters without compromising program principles or non-commercial status. Guidelines may vary depended upon where the program is aired. Underwriting material may be reviewed to assure it is consistent with airing station guidelines.



Program sponsorship is very similar to that of underwriting with the difference being corporate contributions rather than foundation or philanthropic support. Sponsorship often infers an association of values or philosophy between a commercial brand and the television content. These types of relationships require more reflection to avoid the appearance of any undue influence, conflict of interest or lack of alignment with our mission as well as taking into account the demographic being served.



We also welcome in-kind sponsorships such as camera, video production equipment, computer hardware and software, film industry equipment, studio supplies, library or archival footage, access to special collections, lighting and sound equipment, and other materials that may otherwise be utilized in the fulfillment of our mission. Gifts-in-kind, supporters help us to produce the highest quality programs and improve facilities to provide the best possible experience to our host, guest and volunteers. We do identify in-kind sponsors which may include production credits, branding images, logos or video similar to commercial advertising.

Contributions, Grants, Underwriting